Just in time where customers are becoming more challenging/demanding and are informing themselves more and
more on nutrition, it is becoming more important to offer top quality and natural foods. With the addition of Hemp,
such health promoting foods are indeed emerging. Hemp is suitable for all groups and ages because, as it is highly
valuable ecologically and nutritionally, it offers many advantages to everybody.
Ecologists and doctors alike rightly call for the most healthy and unencumbered foods, which are environmentally
friendly from their cultivation to when they are end-products. Also people who want to eat healthy expect a carefully
chosen variety of ingredients from which are well balanced and, when possible, a little bit more than that.
Hemp offers people with allergies a natural chance to make their condition more tolerable. Because of the unfortunate
increasing number of people with allergies, producers are encouraged to seek new means. Since the hemp on offer is
not only ecologically cultivated, but also practically free of allergy-releasing substances, it is a valuable alternative for
the diet of an allergy sufferer (e.g. Celiac disease and Neurodermatitis), because Hemp is gluten free!
Because of the content of high-class protein and polyunsaturated fat, hemp is also suitable for athletes. It provides not
only energy through its protein and vegetable fat, but also vitamins, and it balances the content of mineral nutrients.
Furthermore Hemp prevents the build-up of love-handles through its high content of polyunsaturated fat.
Apart from these biological advantages, hemp is also highly effective and in fashion. This is not only because Hemp is
currently resounded throughout the country, but also because it has aroused people`s curiosity through its cliché down
through the decades, mainly people who have looked for something new and exceptional. The word Hemp alone
arouses active interest especially in young people! With this in mind, it is naturally assured that the Hemp that is
supplied to us comes from THC-free (i.e. drug-free) types in controlled biological production.
As you can see, Hemp satisfies the demands and requirements of the modern and health conscious customer
and it also succeeds in satisfying their needs.
Through our cooperation with cultivators, universities/technical colleges and recognized laboratories, hanf & natur
guarantees raw materials of the highest quality and is constantly widening its knowledge of Hemp. We gladly present
you with this competent knowledge and are available anytime for your questions or queries.
Best regards
Ralf Buck
Dipl.oec.troph. Master of Bakery
The photography and contents of this home page are protected by the copyright of Hanf-Natur and partners. Die Preise verstehen sich als Nettopreise zuzüglich Mehrwertsteuer und sind nur Geschäftskunden vorbehalten. We reserve the right to correct typographical errors with regard to pricing ;-)
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